Just imagine a Preparatory School that provides a caring and nurturing environment whilst maintaining internationally recognised academic standards. This school environment has a broader curriculum focus than usual, in the form of our wider classroom thinking. Imagine a child being seen as a unique individual with their own learning styles and strengths. Imagine an institute that celebrates everyone: where inclusivity is a way of life. It is a school that prepares your child for their best version of themselves, to achieve their most tremendous potential. 

Bridge House Preparatory offers a holistic education, guided by the IEB curriculum practices for a preparatory school, and incorporating multiple cultural, social and technology activities in addition to various team and individual sports.

Why should you choose Bridge House Preparatory?


Admission to Bridge House is given on the basis of an interview with the Head. The child’s latest school report from his/her previous school together with other relevant documentation is a requirement.


Admission to Bridge House is given on the basis of an interview with the Head. The child’s latest school report from his/her previous school together with other relevant documentation is a requirement.


Why Bridge House Preparatory?

Bridge House places excellent value on academics and the success of our students. We offer a broad, innovative, and modern curriculum to develop highly motivated, balanced and competent students. We believe that we truly embrace and live by our Bridge House motto: Learning for Life. By the time our children are ready to move on to College, they have received a well-rounded, holistic primary education. They each have a voice, and they ‘CAN DO’.


Sports at Bridge House Preparatory

At Bridge House, we believe that sport plays an essential role in the development of our children. Consequently, we offer a wide range of team and individual sports to choose from, including hockey, netball, cricket, swimming, football, tennis and athletics.

The school sports policy promotes healthy lifestyle options through participation in a varied and well-run sports programme. This policy promotes physical wellness but also supports the development of social skills, coordination, team skills and life skills.


Arts & Culture

Bridge House believes that culture and cultural activities are as important as academics and sport. Music, drama and art form the basis of our cultural programme, which allows students to express themselves differently. We encourage learning through these mediums, which helps the students grow and develop their right brain and a wide variety of social and creative skills.



At Bridge House, we believe in offering activities for our students to grow and develop skills outside of the classroom. These programmes, including camps, outings and extra-curricular opportunities,  allow children a different space to take risks, problem-solve and perhaps experience difficulty. It is, after all, sometimes through these experiences that we learn the most about ourselves.

Our regular ‘School Family’ events, where a group consisting of pupils from Grade 1 – Grade 7, and led by the Grade 7 pupil, foster relationship-building across the Prep School, and provide an opportunity for child-child mentoring and care.



At Bridge House, we believe in creating opportunities to allow all our children to grow and develop skills associated with leadership. For example, some may assume the role of captain in a sports team, while others may take the lead in cultural undertakings. We do not appoint prefects, as we believe in fostering leadership potential in all children of all ages.

Grade 7 pupils are encouraged to participate in a year-long Learning for Life challenge, whereby they voluntarily take on school and community service projects, show their organisational skills, as well as learn a new skill and complete a physical challenge.

Bridge House is a Round Square school, and the Prep School is active in Young Round Square (YRS). The ideals of Round Square guide our service projects, and we are part of a unique 3-school annual initiative amongst the Cape Town YRS schools to expose Grade 6 and 7 pupils to a broader understanding of the goals of the organisation. 

Our service club visits a local school weekly during the school day to assist with teaching ball skills to their junior pupils.




At Bridge House, we believe in creating opportunities to allow all our children to grow and develop skills associated with leadership. For example, some may assume the role of captain in a sports team, while others may take the lead in cultural undertakings. We do not appoint prefects, as we believe in fostering leadership potential in all children of all ages.

Grade 7 pupils are encouraged to participate in a year-long Learning for Life challenge, whereby they voluntarily take on school and community service projects, show their organisational skills, as well as learn a new skill and complete a physical challenge.

Bridge House is a Round Square school, and the Prep School is active in Young Round Square (YRS). The ideals of Round Square guide our service projects, and we are part of a unique 3-school annual initiative amongst the Cape Town YRS schools to expose Grade 6 and 7 pupils to a broader understanding of the goals of the organisation. 

Our service club visits a local school weekly during the school day to assist with teaching ball skills to their junior pupils.




We offer a sit-down lunch for day students provided by Origin Food Services in our beautiful Dining Facilities on the campus. View the order form, menu and other relevant files below.
Origin reserves the right to change the menus if necessary, depending on what fresh produce is available.
Please note that the menus have been checked and approved by a registered dietician.


Aftercare is available at Bridge House for all members of the Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory School. It is available till 16h00 Monday to Thursday and until 14h00 on Friday. This facility is at no extra cost. 

The lists and information about ordering textbooks – hard copies from Caxtons and digital from ITSI – are available on the D6 Communicator or from Cisca Timmy

The school uniform is simple, comfortable, and suited to the high temperatures in the Boland. All uniform items can be obtained from the School’s Uniform Shop on the campus. In addition, some second-hand items are available.

The trading hours are 7h30 to 13h30 Monday to Wednesday, 7h30 to 10h00, and 14h00 to 15h00 on Thursday. It is closed on Friday. The shop offers onsite credit card facilities for payment. Purchases may not be added to the school accounts, and payments can be made in cash or by credit card.



At Bridge House, we are committed to sustainable campus practices and teaching our students about environmental stewardship. Our Garden Farm is situated in the centre of the campus, where a vegetable and fruit garden serves as an outdoor extension of our classrooms. In addition, the Garden Farm provides vegetables for our tuckshops and dining rooms and for various community feeding programmes. 


An Educational Psychologist and Learning Support Therapist are available to consult with pupils on a one-to-one basis, as well as in small group formats where peer support and learning is encouraged. 


An Educational Psychologist and Learning Support Therapist are available to consult with pupils on a one-to-one basis, as well as in small group formats where peer support and learning is encouraged.