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Bridge House offers a broad, innovative and modern high school curriculum aimed at developing highly motivated, balanced and competent people, well prepared to deal with the challenges facing them when they leave school. We aim to stay abreast of the best of South African and international teaching practice. The College builds on the foundations laid during the Preparatory phases.


Bridge House strives to be a school that is at the forefront of global educational developments. In Grade 10, in preparation for the National Senior Certificate of the IEB, the students choose from a wide range of subjects.  Bridge House places a premium on the pursuit of excellence by every pupil.


Students in Grades 8 and 9 follow an exciting  curriculum which is aimed at increased personalisation and a sense of personal choice and investment.


Bridge House Matrics write the Independent Examinations Board Matric exams.


In all grades school-based assessment and formal examination results make up the final year mark. In Grade 12 (FET), 25% of the final assessment mark is an internal assessment component. The external final ‘examination’ counts for 75% of the mark, with the exception of Life Orientation where 100% of the mark is from internal assessment. The portfolio of work done at school in each subject is thus extremely important.

In all Grades a doctor’s certificate will be required if any formal assessments are missed.

Requirements for University Entrance

It is important that candidates ascertain exactly what the requirements are for specific faculties at the University of their choice. The ‘points’ required for each course within each faculty must be obtained from the universities.


Pupils from Grade 4 to 12 follow the 1:1 iPad programme (see the information enclosed in this prospectus). In addition, the Bridge House IT Centres provide state-of-the-art facilities for developing computer competency at every school level.  Pupils learn to use this technology and its wide range of applications from Pre-primary to Matric.  It is used in all curriculum learning areas, learning both the content and the use of IT tools.  The school offers Information Technology (IT) for those pupils wanting to follow a career in the IT industry and Computer Applications Technology (CAT) for those who will use IT throughout their professional and personal lives.

An introduction to Robotics is offered in the club and elective programme.


Bridge House is an English-medium school.  We teach English Home Language to all pupils.  Afrikaans (first additional language) classes are streamed according to ability. French and German (at second additional language level) are offered as an elective subject in Grades 10, 11 and 12 and in place of Afrikaans, for students with immigrant concessions in Grades 8 to 12. In grade 8 and 9 students need to choose a third language (French, German or isiXhosa) which will be offered at a conversational level.


The Creative Arts (Visual Art, Music and Dramatic Art) are studied by all students in Grades 8 and 9 and in Grade 10, 11 and 12, Music, Visual Art and Dramatic Art are options for Matric. Dance is offered in the afternoons as part of the co-curricular programme. There is considerable emphasis on cultural education and excellent facilities are being developed for these disciplines.  The Music Department offers a wide range of instruments through individual tuition at extra cost.